Superion Interspinous spacer (Vertiflex)

This is a device that is placed between vertebrae through a 1 cm incision, under X-ray guidance. It lifts and separates the vertebrae, creating more room for spinal nerves. It is used to treat spinal stenosis.

What to expect on the day of the procedure:

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time to allow enough time for preparation
You will be escorted to the procedure room, and positioned on the procedure table, usually in a face-down position
Procedure will be carried out with generous local anesthesia (numbing)
Procedure should take 1-2 hours, but please allow extra time for recovery
This is usually done under sedation, so please have a driver with you or arrange transportation, and you must have a responsible adult with you at home until you recover.
Please check with your physician if you need to fast before the procedure
Important- Please notify us if you are on any type of blood thinners, as some of them will need to be stopped several days prior to the procedure.